Our mission in its simplest form directs us to be a bridge: to assist patients nearing end of life as they prepare to cross from life to death; to provide those left behind with a path out of grief;
and to care for those with serious illness as they confront the obstacles disease places in their way.
It is clear to see how our team of caregivers and staff is a bridge. Each of you reading this envisions your own personal way in which Old Colony Hospice & Palliative Care has been or might be a bridge in your own life or that of someone close to you. Just like structural bridges have many different designs that each serve a particular purpose and apply to different situations, so does Old Colony Hospice & Palliative Care. What does this mean? It means that the obstacles we help patients and their loved ones get around are as varied as the
bridges in our country. In our daily visits and conversations with patients and their loved ones we see and learn of significant obstacles that fall outside of the medical umbrella.
• We had a 90 year old patient whose apartment in the summer was so hot that it was not safe for her to be there
• We cared for a patient who needed to find a home for his best four legged friend
• We also had a young family with no money or resources to provide a holiday celebration for their children
If we are to be true to our mission “to compassionately care for individuals and their loved ones coping with complex illnesses and end of life needs while preserving dignity and quality of life,” we must address these obstacles as well. For each of the real impediments to dignity and quality of life listed above, Old Colony Hospice & Palliative Care bridged the need by:
• Purchasing and installing a window air conditioner in a patient’s home
• Providing the necessary care to re-home a patient’s beloved canine companion of 12 years
• Together, we gathered everything we could to ensure this family had one last memorable holiday together
Where do you fit in? Just as any building design is influenced by available spending budget, so too is Old
Colony Hospice & Palliative Care’s ability to be a bridge for our patients and their loved ones.