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Old Colony Hospice News & Blog

Compassion Fatigue

By James Pickering online May 5, 2015

Source:  Families of Loved Ones, Patricia Smith

Within the past ten years, the secrets to recognizing and managing Compassion Fatigue trickled down from academia to those of us in the caregiving professions.  Thanks to the work of leading traumatologists and psychologists, we now share a comprehensive knowledge of the secondary traumatic stress that plagues caregivers worldwide. As more information becomes available, we better understand what is necessary to alleviate the suffering that Compassion Fatigue causes in our lives.  In turn, we help ourselves so we can continue to help others.

For the most part, those of us who suffer from Compassion Fatigue are “other-directed”. We place the needs of others before our own needs.  The work before us is to become acquainted with ourselves—our likes, dislikes, strengths and shortcomings.

The road to wellness begins with one step---awareness.  Once we accept that Compassion Fatigue is real and harbors the ability to sap our energy and passion for life, we can reverse the process.  

By embracing authentic, sustainable self-care, we open the door to a better life.  And, ultimately, happiness.



If you or your colleagues need some help with Compassion Fatigue, we are happy to come and help.  We offer a continuing education program titled:  Caring for the Caregiver: Compassion Fatigue. To schedule this 1 hour program at your workplace, please contact Mike Cruza at 781-341-4145.  RNs and SWs who  attend will receive 1.0 contact hour.                                                                                                       



For more information, please call us at: 781-341-4145
Old Colony Hospice
One Credit Union Way
Randolph, MA